Archive for the ‘Arts’ Category


Women not getting justice ever, not even in mythology! and the water problem and…

June 15, 2013

Please, watch. “Dancing for a better world” by Mallika Sarabhai. Against violence!!!


So, why is it, that if we think that we all agree that we need a better world, we need a more just world, why is it that we are not using the one language that has consistently showed us that we can break down barriers, that we can reach people? What I need to say to the planners of the world, the governments, the strategists is, “You have treated the arts as the cherry on the cake. It needs to be the yeast.” Because, any future planning, if 2048 is when we want to get there, unless the arts are put with the scientists, with the economists, with all those who prepare for the future, badly, we’re not going to get there. And unless this is actually internalized, it won’t happen.

So, what is it that we require? What is it that we need? We need to break down our vision of what planners are, of what the correct way of a path is. And to say all these years of trying to make a better world, and we have failed. There are more people being raped. There are more wars. There are more people dying of simple things. So, something has got to give. And that is what I want. Can I have my last audio track please?

Once there was a princess who whistled beautifully. (Whistling) Her father the king said, “Don’t whistle.” Her mother the queen said, “Hai, don’t whistle.” But the princess continued whistling. (Whistling)

The years went by and the princess grew up into a beautiful young woman, who whistled even more beautifully. (Whistling) Her father the king said, “Who will marry a whistling princess?” Her mother the queen said, “Who will marry a whistling princess?”

But the king had an idea. He announced a Swayamvara. He invited all the princes to come and defeat his daughter at whistling. “Whoever defeats my daughter shall have half my kingdom and her hand in marriage!” Soon the palace filled with princes whistling. (Whistling) Some whistled badly. Some whistled well. But nobody could defeat the princess.

“Now what shall we do?” said the king. “Now what shall we do?” said the queen. But the princess said, “Father, Mother, don’t worry. I have an idea. I am going to go to each of these young men and I am going to ask them if they defeated correctly. And if somebody answers, that shall be my wish.”

So she went up to each and said, “Do you accept that I have defeated you?” And they said, “Me? Defeated by a woman? No way, that’s impossible! No no no no no! That’s not possible.” Till finally one prince said, “Princess, I accept, you have defeated me.” “Uh-huh …” she said. “Father, mother, this man shall be my wife.” (Whistling)


Outing for this weekend: The Vagina Mons in Madrid!

April 11, 2013

and in a squat in Lavapiés, Centro Social Ocupado (squat, huge, an old tobacco factory you can tour before or after the show!) La Tabacalera, so it’s free! and a very special place to be in! (they’re just asking for a small donation each, it can be 1 euro, to a women’s health group). I can’t go! Shucks!!!

Come on, people, go!!! It’s a rare (excepcional) chance! And tell us all about it in class! (Link at Talking People on the Vagina Monologues) – It’s the same author, Eve Ensler, who we read when reading the stories from I Am an Emotional Creature. The Secret Life of Girls around the World!

Come see the Vagina Monologues!

Friday, April 12 at 9:00pm
Saturday, April 13 at 8:30 pm
Sunday, April 14 at 7:30 pm

at CSA La Tabacalera (C/Embajadores 53, Metro Embajadores)

*The play will be presented half in Spanish and half in English, yet there will be scripts available in both languages.*

Suggested donation: 5 euro
(90% of our profits will be donated to the Madrid-based NGO Mujeres para La Salud ( and the remaining 10% to V-Day International Movement, that seeks to stop violence against women).

For more information, visit our website:


A poem to keep you good company!

April 11, 2013

For María (a colleague of mine), who is sad these days, and for people who might be feeling low, sad, confused, overwhelmed, displaced… so you can breathe in deep, relocate yourself in space, find a sense of belonging and some peace and quiet and beauty!


Learning a poem (by ear), with its music, is like learning how to sing a lullaby to yourself, which is comforting, soothing and liberating! Visualize the words: it’s like being there, in nature! And nature is a source of strength for us animals on the planet!!

Wild Geese, by Mary Oliver (written and audio texts)

Some people were inspired to create this…




More poems by Mary Oliver at Talking People


It’s patriarchy that says…

April 5, 2013



BACK!!!! (bye bye spring hols! ♥)

March 31, 2013

Hiya, dear all! Just back from being locked up in nature due to non-stop rain! I couldn’t even go for a quick stroll!!!

ghoststoriesmarujamalloshirleymanginiBUT — I’ve been reading a bit: ghost stories by women writers (I’ll bring a few copies of this one for the end-of-course goodbye raffle! because they are GREAT and the weeny presentations of the authors are like pebbles shining in crystal clear river waters! 😀 !) and about the Spanish painter and revolutionary (!) Maruja Mallo and the Avant Garde in Spain (you’ve got to get a copy of her bio by this US American woman. In Spanish it’s published by Circe but it costs about 30 euros!! It’s originally in English, yes! BUT IT COSTS 70 EUROS!!!). Then I’ve done a bit of translating for social activism: on Feminist Curiosity (bits of the intro) by Cynthia Enloe (it’ll get published on Mujer Palabra, in Activismo – Pacifismo feminista). Finally, I’ve been doing some writing (a poem on friendship lost, which turned out to be feminist as an accident, 😀 , well, when you develop a feminist intelligence it’s like when you understand something: you cannot stop using that understanding!) and a new feminist postcard (you can color it: 1 pdf page: cartel_colorear. I’ll do it in English soon-ish) which I think will help humanity to overcome all the hurt patriarchal values have done to human intelligence!).

Yes! Yes! And done a bit of work for you! I’ve written 1,000 words on Mainstream or Alternative Medicine so that Avanzado 2 people can listen to an example of a monolog on that (I need to record the audio now).  Then, I’ve prepared two special speaking activities. (Btw, remember to bring the handout with Three Proposals.) Here’s one: Next Tuesday, when we’re back to school (eek!!!!!!!!) I’ll order 50 copies of this one-page handout for a Timed Speaking Activitiy in the Avanzado 2 groups! I’ll give it to people in our first lesson together and you’ll do the looking up stuff before the lesson when you’ll actually “improvise the interaction.”

I hope you’ll enjoy it, and I also FUCKING HOPE YOU WILL FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS!!! 😀

TIMEDSPEAKINGACTIVITYFORAVANZADO2  (FIXED LINK) – traveling to Greece ♥, Iceland ♥♥ or Cyprus

Hope you all enjoy your Sunday and hope it’s not a Rainday! Next Monday I’ll try to send my feedback on the recordings I did not manage to finish working on last week!


African proverb

March 25, 2013



Like installations but with movement! Dance!

March 23, 2013


The Riace Bronzes!

March 22, 2013

Pablo sent in the info on the Riace Bronzes, the two awesome sculptures that were found in the seabed in Italy!

Hello Michelle. I am sending you the answer to your question about the sculptures in the documentary. Paste the link. Kisses. Pablo, Av2 L-X 16h.

Thanks so much! Big hug and tons of rest and enjoyment! 🙂



March 21: Celebrating Poetry Day & Fighting Racism Day

March 22, 2013

♥ Joy Harjo

Learn about this amazing Muskoke (Creek) American musician, writer and activist! ♥

Should I dream you afraid so that you are forced to save yourself? Or should you ride colored horses into the cutting edge of the sky to know that we’re alive we are alive.

Read/Listen to her poem Strange Fruit

mediterranean_mapHere is a poem I wrote in 2012 dedicated to the Palestinian people. I wrote it after watching a documentary about a Music School they were trying to create or hold together in the Gaza region (a densely populated area on the planet where you can get killed very easily, apart from having to endure war-like hardship). Olive trees are also connected to the origin of the worldwide movement called Women in Black. Israeli and Palestinian women did something which patriarchal politics abhors, which was plant olive tree together in a shared land. Olive trees are also about our connection as part of the Mediterranean cultures. I’ve translated it into English.

Los olivos (michelle renyé, 2012)

van_gogh_bosquedeolivos1889La piel oliva es dorada y verde.
Los ojos y el pelo negro noche lluvia
y profundos,
como el verano en los jazmines.
Las hojas son verde ceniza por abajo
y se vuelven al cielo abierto,
tantas veces
con tanto esfuerzo, con dolor,
y levemente brillantes
por encima, como un recuerdo
de aceites y manos, de cuando
podían plantar olivos, verlos crecer.

La música está prohibida.
(Es ley en la democracia del genocidio.)
Las personas jóvenes no temen más
que aman, por eso cantan
en un espacio de ruinas secreto.
Sus ojos contienen al fondo cascotes
caídos sobre los olivos bajo el sol
sobre la tierra amarilla gastada agotada,
llana, terrosa, dura, persistente; hecha mirra,
y aprenden a tocar en cajas con cuerdas
y se juegan la vida cuando bailan.

Es lo que nunca cuentan las crónicas que escriben
los padres de todas las guerras.


Olive Trees (michelle renyé, 2012)

Olive skin is gold and green.
Eyes and hair black night rain
and deep,
like summer in jasmines.
The leaves are ash green underneath
and turn and twist towards the open sky,
once and again,
with such effort, such pain,
and slightly shiny
on top, like a memory
of oils and hands, of the time
when they could plant olive trees, see them grow.

Music is banned.
(It’s law in the democracy of genocide.)
People young do not fear more
than love, that’s why they are singing
in a secret space of ruins.
The background in their eyes contains
rocks of rubble fallen on the olive trees under the sun
on the yellow soil worn out exhausted
flat terrous hard persistent; made myrrh
while they learn to play boxes with strings
and risk their lives when they dance.

This is what’s never told in the chronicles written
by the patriarchs of all wars.

Web de Rumbo a Gaza


Installations by Avanzado 2 students

March 20, 2013


 Avanzado 2 student can post here the installation they imagine about themselves. It’s a beautiful exercise showing some beautiful things about art and human beings. So come on! Don’t be shy! And if you think you are not creative, give it a try, too. A human mind can learn all kinds of things — just think of how very well we’ve learned the gender-system lesson of what a man and a woman are, in spite of the irrefutable fact that we’ve all got human minds (as if genitals were our prison!). Then we could publish them all on the website! IMAGINATION TO POWER! 😀 TIPS: To post your “comment” click on the title of this post. Remember it’s better to write your message first in your computer and then just copy and paste. If you have any trouble posting your comment here, send it to my email and I’ll post it for you.


Installations 3

March 20, 2013

I have to say that some adorable students in the Avanzado 2 Lunes group shared their own ideas about their own installations, and that I’d love to publish those!! If you send them to me, I can post them, or better still, publish anybody’s (come on, peeps, imagination to power!) on the site.

Felicia – my installation for Felicia would require three walls, one white with a long and wide window pane. In the middle of the space there would be a large ebony table with a leather bound agenda and a pen, and also a bowl of fruit! On one of the two side walls there would be creepers and plants growing kind of wild! On the other, a bit away from the wall, and lined along the wall, as temporarily, a biombo (shade).

ebonytable SONY DSC

Rubén – my installation for Rubén would be kind of abstract. To access his installation, we would have to walk up some metal steps, which would lead to a glass-floor catwalk (so to say). The glass would be tinted sky blue. Looking down we would see the floor covered in sands of different types. I would have drawn with my fingers a series of lines and squares and circles and stuff so that it would look like a circuit of some sort!


When men are oppressed…

March 16, 2013


When men are oppressed it’s a tragedy.

When women are oppressed it’s tradition.


Installations 2

March 14, 2013

gardenÁngeles: my installation for Ángeles would be outdoors. A secret garden. I mean, I would have to find a small garden, wild in its development, with areas where some flower projects would have been started. There would be stones arranged in some ways here and there. At times, there would have to be a cat too, or a small fox, or a rabbit, and of insects, of course! And at times too, a girl or two engrossed in some kind of exploration!

largenest_patbrookesAlicia: for Alicia, I would construct a very big nest, VERY big. Because twigs sting I would spread some hierbabuena leaves (mint is not exactly what hierbabuena is! Hierbabuena smells sweet and people in Morocco use it in their amazing tea, which is NOT mint!). There would also be cotton, spread a bit like threaded white cotton sugar candy. In the nest there would be a collection of objects: a microscope, a pair of knitted gloves, a very well underlined book, and lots of small glass containers (bottles, jars, test tubes). All would be clean, including with no labels, I mean, Some would be empty. One of them could have some kind of sand, an another some kind of colourful grains of whichever sort! Then there would be an old metal cookie box, too.


Some “crappy” modern art!

March 12, 2013

The Waltz, 1899-1905, by Camille Claudel1800’s

Camille Claudel (Locked up for 30 years as insane, for being a woman artist threatening patriarchal order. Her courage can be sensed in this – she refused to create all that time. What suffering she must have endured!) Look at this waltz. Have you ever seen something like this? It’s really small. Wish she could’ve had the chance to make it really big! This figurine was here in Madrid a few years ago.


Maruja Mallo – La sorpresa del trigo (the surprise of wheat) – 1936


Louise Bourgeois – listen to Otte! (she created this amazing song and she sings it here)

Mmiquelbarcelo, le vent, 1999iquel Barceló – Le vent (the wind, in Africa) – 1999 (prints of the pic below used to be sold for 500 ptas. at Reina Sofía, when the shop had cheap good stuff! I used to buy a few every year to give them out as amazing presents!)


Intro to Feminism (in Spanish) & More for Curious Happy Creatures!

February 14, 2013

feminism-is-the-radical-notion-that-women-are-people-cheris-kramarae-and-paula-treichlerAfter our celebration of One Billion Rising, and our discussions, I would like to recommend a book in Spanish which I read last year. It includes some of the Herstory we’ve always been denied: the History of the women, particularly of the women /wímin/ that opened the way for what is today known as Feminism. Of women who worked for women’s human rights — risking their lives, most of the times; actually, French “revolutionaries” guillotined the women who demanded the Declaration of Men’s Rights included women, because it didn’t, in spite of the fact that there were philosophers supporting them like Mary Wollstonecraft, and many more! (Well, Wollstonecraft was English, but she moved to Paris at the time, to support the French Revolution.) It also makes a good present/gift. It’s “Introducción al feminismo,” by Nuria Varela. And on this webpage in her website, she has some posts tackling some of the issues she includes in “Introducción…”, in case you want to read a bit before getting a copy!: Feminismo para tod@s.

Yesterday I also recommended Eulàlia Lledó Cunill‘s books on language, from a feminist linguist’s perspective. If you love language, if you are aware of the amazing power of language to affect reality, I particularly recommend you read feminist analyses of language. At Mujer Palabra, guess: we have a lot of resources on the importance and the power of language! Here are our postcards!

Last, a book debunking neurosexism, to clear the way for healthy notions coming from neuroscience, that will enlighten you if you haven’t grasped so far how deeply the gender roles condition our choices. Cordelia Fine, Delusions of Gender. In Spanish (great gift, too): Cuestión de sexos.

  • floresdestructivasMost people have never missed women in the books they read — “he” being enough to represent the species, and the “she” experience being too unimportant to deserve books or even a name.
    (Bansky’s graffiti on romantic love.)
  • I know most people have never wondered why the only books about women we read /red/ were written by men.
  • Fortunately, in the 1990s in Madrid, we finally managed to have quite a few women being published. However, we’re far behind books by women if we compare our case to the USA or Britain.
  • Women have to find their voice, word their thoughts and experiences, and ANY human being should be curious about listening to, reading what they say. Why is there so little curiosity? Why is it so common people immediately feel threatened when women do so? (Patriarchy, as a system, is a terrible idea. Analyzing the construction of the patriarchal gender roles is liberating for all, and much more consistent with the notion of human rights!)
  • I committed to reading women writers in 1989, when I found Feminism in the society that surrounded me — I was living in London at the time. And I was appalled: how could it be that I hadn’t realized women had no voice, no authority as thinkers and artists in my mind-world?! How could it be that I hadn’t missed listening to women thinkers and artists and activists? I felt so ashamed, and so angry! I realized how very destructive the weapon of OMISSION is. My proposal is you commit to reading at least a book a year by a woman. And please, saying “a woman” is just saying, a human being who has been denied the right to study and get involved in public life and all because she has been categorized in culture as inferior, psychologically, intellectually, emotionally, spirituality. There are all kinds of women-persons, but they all share having been considered the dark / evil side of the gender coin.
  • The 20th centuries are beginning to change that (though, if you read the book, you will see how we said this same thing centuries ago!), and we women are voicing our thoughts and experiences in public. We should. It matters. It’s a matter of great importance. Because we have not been allowed to have a voice in culture — we have just been allowed to transmit patriarchal culture. That was the closest we were of any connection to an intellectual life.

I think it would be worth listening to women, too.


Vulnerability is the source of balance

February 9, 2013

Life is about living.

Living takes up a great deal of struggle.

What prevents struggle from being war is self-respect, which is to say, empathy towards other earthlings.

What keeps struggle healthy is balance.

Balance is like air, a fundamental need in every step. Like air, it is physical, you cannot see it, but you can feel it all the time. You can feel it weighs different, it feels different, its different glows of warmth, moving in ample space, breathing, like an animal, alive, living.

What breeds balance, and here is what I wanted to say (at last), is vulnerability.

Self-portrait, by Caroline Folkenroth (2000)This is what I’m beginning to realize.

Living is such a journey.

So I protest destruction. I equal that to idiocy and disease — the human disease.

I refuse to harden up.

I am not a stranger.

I’m a reminder.

Dream at michelle’s (2013)

Self-portrait, by Caroline Folkenroth (2000)


Girls’ & women’s issues are not “side issues”

February 4, 2013

EmotionalCreaturepicWe’re over half of the population on the planet! One Billion Rising! (Mil Millones en Pie de Paz!) – Getting Ready for Feb 14! Print the poster OBR-POSTER_8.5x11pink and put it up wherever you work or study! Next week we’ll be uploading the pack we’ll use in class so you can print it for our lesson (public education has no money for copies for this, either 😦 ), which is three stories from I Am an Emotional Creature.  (Read A Teenage Girl’s Guide to Surviving Sexual Slavery. Get more info here.


Do what you can with what you have where you are

January 29, 2013



Rolemodels – people who did quite well (it seems) loving each other!

January 25, 2013


One of the most important steps we humans gave in the 20th century was finally understand that freedom is necessary if we want to learn to love. Historically, marriage has never been about love. And in a way, in the 20th century it started being about love. But there was more: we could also love truly without being married, because love is about emotion and respectful relationships, loving relationships, and not about anything else. From this point of view it’s much easier to understand that if love ends because both people stop being in love, it’s as sad as if you lose a friend. It’s sad, but this doesn’t mean that the past was false, or that the future needs to be all about suffering. There are a lot of lovely people on Earth! Most importantly, life is not about falling in love with some One. Life is full of people and your Self is full too, of potential, and we can do all kinds of things in life. In love-sex relationships, it seems to be good to specialize, if we like (as good as if we don’t because we don’t want to!), because we still have a lot to learn about relating to ourselves and to others in loving ways. Step by step! 😀 But, I mean, love is about love. And life is about living. And we can share emotions, adventures, conversations, etc. without “being in love.” We should widen up the scope, really! 😀 Because some people spend their whole life wanting to have a partner, forgetting about love. We’re trained to ignore love. But this has been a great beginning, the 20th century!

People whose sense of freedom has not been crushed by Industry, in spite of the dramatic fact that their work, artistic work, opened a new road money-makers would populate! Robert Plant and Maureen, his partner… together from 1968 to 1983


bacallbogartbacallbogart3Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart… together from 1945 to 1957 (when he died)


Jodie Foster Cydney Bernard… together from 1993 to 2008 or 2013? (As you can see, it’s harder to find more private photos of homosexual relationships, because they still have to be really careful, to protect their love, and their lives.)

Who knows about more people who loved other people nicely? (I mean, famous people!)


Sinéad and the homeless

January 24, 2013

Black Coffee, sung by Sinèad O’Connor (I love how she sings this one!) Previous interpreters include Ella Fitzgerald, Black Coffee

homelessgirlSinéad O’Connor dedicated this album to the homeless (homeless people), and well — when I was younger I was a homeless for some time, not much, but when I give money to people asking for money I know I have no right to say, “Spend it well.” What’s well? If people with houses have alcohol whenever they like, what would they have to bear life on the streets? Anyway, I missed music so much! Some time after that unwanted experience, I had found a job in a private language school in Gran Vía, and one day an adorable student of mine was ranting and raving about seeing a homeless person having a cassette player with earphones and a natural orange juice in one of those expensive cafeterias in Madrid. And regretting having given this person a coin. Well, that blew my mind. I think I mostly asked questions.

Do you have a place to get back to when you choose? Is it a place where you are safe, and warm, and can drink and eat, moreover, where you can read, and listen to music, and watch TV and have your special treats? Why should you feel outraged because someone who is homeless has a cassette player and gathers some money to have something this person loves. Please, be honest. What’s the role of the cassette player or a natural orange juice in this person’s life and what’s the role of that in your life? Please, don’t go insane. That’s tradition speaking through you. We’re children of the 20th century. We have managed to grasp the meaning of the word ‘human rights.’ Actually, we make enough money with our work to pay for nobody to be homeless. The problem is some other kind of people, who are invisible for us all, take it all. But our work would make a kinder world possible. Don’t grow cold and hurt the most vulnerable people.

sineadoconnorSo when Sinèad O’Connor dedicated this album of hers, called Am I Not Your Girl? (where she interprets classical jazz songs, songs of her own her story and mine!, in her own talented way), to the homeless (and there’s a text she wrote too), I was really happy to get it! She even interprets one of the songs Doris Day (el colmo de la cursilería) used to interpret! It’s always struck me how cheesy Doris Day was and her very well muscled arms! If you ever watch a movie of hers, try to notice. Nowadays, any woman can have those arms and we have nothing to say about it, but in her days slim women were meant to have softer “curves.”

There’s a song in this album that I always imagine mimed by a girl who appeared miming a song in one of Almodovar’s movies: How Insensitive. I wonder if this happens to anyone out there ? 🙂 I don’t even remember which movie it was!


More Karen Souza…

January 24, 2013

karensouzaFrom “Every step you take,” the song performed by The Police (Sting, singer) Karen Souza sings her own interpretation. This woman’s voice is so interesting! 🙂

Not that I agree with the phi-lo-so-phy, but it sounds so well! Her voice is so velvety! And it’s all so light…

Paris (song – bossa nova, right?)


Don’t missed calls give you the creeps?

January 24, 2013

What gives you the creeps?

  • Missed calls
  • Buttons (forchristssake, what’s wrong with velcro and zippers?!)
  • People chewing with their mouth open — the noise!
  • The guy on Vaugham radio!!!! (he’s SOOOO creepy!!) (But you’re a teacher, don’t say that, he’s really good!) (Oh yes, he is. Like many of us, really good! 😀 But he, in his case, he’s really clever, grabbing money intended for public education and boasting about it. He’s so convinced he’s great in every way. I hope he becomes a super mega millionaire. That’ll serve him right! 😀 Anyway, regardless, whatever, wherever — it’s him, beyond anything else, his He, that gives me the creeps!)

I’m pasting the lyrics below. Enjoy!


Gifts and best wishes!

January 4, 2013

thethreewisewomenDuring the winter holidays, aka Christmas, in Spain the two most popular Gift celebrations are on Dec 24 and Jan 6. The most popular traditional day for giving presents is the 6th of January, inspired on the biblical story of the Three Magi or the Three Wise Men or the Three Kings, three guys that followed a guiding star to where Jesuschrist was born, in Beit-lahm (Arabic) or Bethlehem (English) in Palestine. (Cultural tip: Jesús is an ordinary male name in Spanish, so for the religious leader we use “Jesuschrist.” In English no man is ever called Jesus because that name is just for Jesuschrist.) Then there’s also the celebration of Nordic Santa Claus, from Lapland. Well, that’s on December 24th. Kids tend to get presents from the 4 men if the adults in their lives can afford it.

So to make up for all of this, and throw some light in the mysterious ways of non-believers, I’d like to make two points: one is graphic, a little reminder of the fact that women also exist on this planet! My second point is another emotional-rational thought: no tradition has ever been kind to loads of people. I bet we are able to establish holidays in every season, like people in France, right? This would be a wiser way to distribute the learning/academic years, too. We could also give and get presents then, believers would also be able to celebrate their traditions, and us non-believers, well, as we tend to celebrate tons of things, we would be able to focus our efforts in 4 specific moments in the year!

What’s certain for me is this — we should not impose any religion or religious celebrations now that we are free not to believe in paradise or hell. What’s wrong with respecting everybody? Why can’t believers celebrate their religion while agreeing others may not share the same beliefs?

Anyway, considering I’m following the kind proposal by social movements of not spending or spending the least you can, I decided to buy gouache paints and white glue and a watercolor heavy paper, and do some book markers to give away as presents. They’re certainly not very royal. They’re not magical, or amazing. They have no secret meanings. And they’ll get no one anywhere, but the people I love are really nice earthlings and easily contented! Most importantly, they READ books! 🙂 MY BEST WISHES FOR YOUR 2013!



Martina Shapiro painting (while holding her camera!)

December 22, 2012

Thanks so much, Martina Shapiro! (I can’t post on the youtube site – dunno why)


Handmade books of trees

December 22, 2012


Jennifer Thai

December 15, 2012