Posts Tagged ‘marilyn monroe’


What she says about bridges!!

June 28, 2013

(edited by me… can’t ask her for permission!
I LOVE THIS POEM, so I’ve fixed it a bit in shape because it seems it was taken from a notebook and it’s not clear she wrote it in verses or in which verses — I LOVE IT BECAUSE… see how it connects (bridges) Death then to Life?? Amazing!!!)

Oh damn I wish that I were
dead — absolutely nonexistent –
gone away from here — from
everywhere but how would I…
There is always bridges
— the Brooklyn bridge
– no not the Brooklyn Bridge because
I love that bridge
(everything is beautiful from there
and the air is so clean)
Walking it seems peaceful there even
with all those cars going crazy underneath.
it would have to be some other bridge
an ugly one with no view — except
I like in particular all bridges
— there’s some-thing about them and besides
I’ve never seen an ugly bridge


Marilyn Monroe


On lovable people

November 19, 2012

(A Teacher’s Diary) Today in Intermedio 2 Monday when we were talking about clothing & footwear and culture, we pointed out how much pressure there is in Madrid for people to wear alien clothes at social events and at work, meaning suits for men and high heels and stockings and hair down for women (eek!!!), Víctor told us two stories: one about one of the two Facebook founders, who found himself surrounded by Spanish people dressed in suits at a conference he was invited to give at a college!! The Fb man was wearing casual clothes — jeans and a T-shirt. Why was he the only one?! The other story was about a surgeon who attended a very important event where he was going to address the audience wearing an African shirt he was given — while volunteering operations in Africa! (love bubbles!!! Pompitas de amor!!!) I can’t remember if he was going to be given an award or if he was going to give a talk on a kind of surgery he has succeeded in, but people were all dressed up for the event (in Madrid) — and this man too! 😉

So — he’s my no. 1 Platonic Love!! — not lover, though, like Marilyn Monroe I have specialized (meaning I’m in a monogamous relationship)! (The link takes you to the song and if you scroll down a bit you can sing along, because it’s got the lyrics!)

NB: I made a terrible language mistake! I don’t look like a transexual person when I’m in high heels and all made up! (not that I ever am!) I look like a transvestite! Sorry for that. I support transexuals, as so does the GLBTI movement (gay-lesbian-bisexual-trans-intersexual people). Actually, one of my friends is trans and she’s one of the bravest, kindest, most intelligent and most generous persons I’ve ever met. If you want to learn a bit about trans people — well, this is more for an Advanced level, really — you might enjoy this amazing video, where a woman (trans) talks about Bad Questions to Ask a Transsexual. And note this, she talks about a terribly painful topic using humo(u)r.