
Permission for the YouTube Video

June 12, 2013

Dear students,

As you know I published some videos of yours and do not have your written permission. Here is the link to the Form, in case you can print it, fill it in/our, and bring it to the school. If you can’t I’ll try to make some copies to leave in Conserjería, or in the Department if janitors refuse to be in charge of that.

If I weren’t at our school, and you bring it, you can leave it at Conserjería (each of us teachers have a tray). Thanks so much! I really need: Silvia’s, Laura’s, Roberto’s (minimum) but also that of Roberto’s classmates, except Juancar!

Our first contribution to the School’s YouTube channel!

Thanks, Teresa, for reminding me of this! I had TOTALLY forgot!!! eek!!! 🙂


  1. Sorry Michelle! I have just see it, I can bring the Form tomorrow evening, I hope to see you in class!

    Thanks!!! 🙂

  2. OK, great! I’m there every afternoon and evening, doing all kinds of things. But anyway, if we didn’t meet, you can leave it with the janitors, for me, or give it to Asun, or leave it in the department for me or Asun. Thanks!

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